Monday, November 5, 2012

It's November!

It's November, and we can't believe how fast this year has gone by!  We've had so many different things going on lately that we didn't even notice October come and go.  We're going through a lot of changes for the good, and can't wait until we can relax again!  Since we've gotten most of the house almost the way we want it, I have had to find something else to invest my time into.  I've been doing tons of little projects that I can't wait to show off! Here goes the most random post ever!

Here are a few photos of what I've been working on.  
Blank wood squares and Chipboard letters

Beige and Red paint

Paper I used
Everything all painted
Letters all done 

All done! Can't wait until Christmas =)

 I recently started crocheting, and here's a picture of a headband/ear warmer I made for Candice.  It looks like I'll be making tons of these for Christmas! Now, onto fall decorations.
My Fall wreath

Fall Garland
 And one for Christmas
I made this wreath last year and added the "T"

Made this a few months ago.

Fall Flowers     
And, my fall pumpkin. Painted white and mod podged fabric leaves around it.

A few weeks ago (maybe just one?) it snowed for the first time this season!  Rosco has seen lots of snow, so it doesn't bother him, but Duncan did not want to go out in it! He's a baby when it comes to the cold, just like me!  After he got used to the cold, he loved to eat it, and didn't want to come inside. Silly puppy! I guess he's not really a puppy now. He is 9 months old today! I can't believe how fast time flies. He used to fit inside one of my hands, and now he's huge!
Duncan in the snow for the first time!

Rosco's seen lots of snow. He doesn't care.
We got to go to dinner on Friday to Celebrate Candice's 23rd birthday. I can't believe we've known each other for over 22 years now! I'm glad I can say I've had a friend for so long! =) Anyways, we went to a restaurant called Sapa Sushi in downtown SLC. We got Candice flaming sushi called a "Volcano" It was actually as good as it looks!

Happy Birthday Candice!
   Curtis and I got the opportunity to pack Christmas Gift's for children in other countries who have never received gifts before.  Kids have always been near and dear to my heart, so any time I can help a child, I do!  These kids need school supplies, hygiene items, and of course toys!  
We packed two gifts, one for a boy and a girl. If you wanna help out or find out more, 
you can do so here.
Gift for a boy

Gift for a girl
You can track your box, add a picture of your family, and include your address and the child might write you a note.  I think this is a great opportunity and I'm glad we are able to take part.