Monday, January 14, 2013

New things and a new year!

2012 has been such a year of changes for Curtis and I! We moved in together, planned a wedding (and by "we" I mean "I"), got married, went on the most beautiful (and warm) vacation, and got our sweet little Duncan. The year went by so fast, and we can't wait to see what the next year holds for us! Both of us recently got new jobs on base, which is huge for both of us! We'll both be working so much closer to home, and it's so nice to have Curtis home at a decent hour. I would normally expect him home around 8, and sometimes later, but now we can count on 4 o' clock! He doesn't know what to do with all of this new free time, but we both love it! We had a nice Christmas, and new years.  Curtis got a new HTPC (Home Theater Computer) that we both use everyday. He put a ton of games and different TV apps on there so we're quite entertained all the time.  I got some new diamond earrings to replace the first diamonds I've ever owned, which Curtis bought for me our 2nd Christmas together.  Duncan and Rosco got plenty of goodies as well! Can't forget to spoil our cute "children."  

Around October or so I started to pick up crocheting.  I really enjoyed it, and thought homemade gifts would be nice to give out this year.  Now that Christmas is over, I can share all the cool things I made! I think they're cool at least.  

Purple Headband, and the cool button on the back

Lazy crocheted hat.

Purple & White infinity scarf

Blue & Grey headband

Red Hello Kitty hat

Bear hat for my cute nephew

Not so symmetrical booties
Purple Flower
Grey & Purple

 That is just a few of the things I made, so I was very busy for a long time!

I guess the only thing left to add from the last few months is the ridiculously cold weather we've been having!  It's not fun to wake up to your weather app on your phone saying it's -3 degrees, or even better, "feels like -16"  If it feels like -16, it might as well be -16! No human being is made to function in this cold of weather!  Last Thursday it started to snow at about 3:00PM, and I don't think it stopped until sometime on Saturday.  We had 1.5-2 ' of snow!  The usual 10-15 minute drive home from work took about 80 minutes, and I left for work 45 minutes earlier than normal the next morning.  The roads were awful, and the drivers were even worse!  Everyone says that their state has the "worst drivers," but I think Utah definitely wins!  Wintertime in Utah is even worse.  Cars with 4 wheel drive somehow think that driving carefully in the snow doesn't apply to them.  Luckily no one I know was in an accident due to the frozen and un-plowed roads.  I was fortunate enough to not even see one! We were unlucky enough to witness some crazy stuff on the freeway though.  We were driving on the "exit only" lane on the freeway about to exit.  I am very aware of my surroundings when driving, especially on the freeway, and even more so when there's still snow and ice on the ground.  So I see this huge suburban in the very left lane jerk her wheel over into the lane just left of me.  I was telling Curtis how I hate when people drive like that when there isn't snow on the ground,  Well, she jerks her wheel into my lane, and all looked okay.  Well, I guess she's (60-ish year old lady) not aware of how to drive on slippery roads.  I don't care what kind of car you drive, it will slide.  She lost control, and her giant car slid sideways to the right, then you can see her overcorrect, and the car slid more to the left, until her car made a 180. She finally got her car to stop, and she is in the next lane facing me.  We we able to stop, and the semi she is facing is able to stop and get other lanes of traffic to stop.  We survived without a scratch, and just a super shaky me. Luckily we were only a half a mile from our destination.  That's my super crazy driving story for the year!  Here's some snow pictures.
These are small icicles! Good we don't use the front door.

Weird icicle
Photo: Oh my goodness...#toomuchsnow #toocold
1.5-2 feet on freezing-cold snow!